January/February 2023 Issue
Tanner G. Jean-Louis, Storm B. Larson | 02.02.23
Articles in this issue
Seventh Circuit Dismisses Challenge to Madison's Digital Sign Ordinance
Tanner G. Jean-Louis
On January 4, 2023, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Adams Outdoor Advert. Ltd. P’ship v. City of Madison, Wisconsin, 56 F.4th 1111 (7th…Wisconsin Appellate Court Rules City of Milwaukee Violated Family Dollar’s Due Process Rights When it Denied the Renewal of Food Dealer and Weights & Measures Licenses
In Family Dollar Stores of Wisconsin LLC et.al. v. City of Milwaukee et.al., 2021AP1432, decided October 11, 2022, the Court of Appeals ruled the City…
Welcome Joesph Hasler and Maximillian Buckner
Boardman Clark and the Municipal Practice Group are excited that attorneys Joe Hasler and Max Buchner have joined the firm.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Clarifies How Tax Assessment Claims Must Proceed
Storm B. Larson
A recent decision from the Wisconsin Supreme Court clarifies how taxpayers must initiate tax claims against municipalities under Wis. Stat. § 74.35.This newsletter is published and distributed for informational pur-
poses only. It does not offer legal advice with respect to particular
situations, and does not purport to be a complete treatment of
the legal issues surrounding any topic. Because your situation
may differ from those described in this Newsletter, you should
not rely solely on this information in making legal decisions.