Our Publications
Our practice groups publish timely legal updates to help keep you informed on the legal issues affecting your world.
Labor & Employment Law
Employment Law Update
Monthly updates on the current state of labor & employment law.
- EEOC Abandons Gender Identity 03.05.25
- $3 Million in Recruiting Misrepresentation Case 02.10.25
Trusts & Estates
The Estate Planner
Insights, strategies, and updates from the world of Trusts & Estates.
- Death and Taxes 06.10.24
- Options when Planning for Incapacity 05.03.24
Wisconsin Dealer & Franchise Law Services
The Franchise & Dealer Law Report
Timely updates on legal issues affecting dealerships and other franchises.
I.D.E.A. Watch: Legal Developments
Legal updates From Boardman Clark’s I.D.E.A. group
Patent, Trademark & Copyright
IP Insights
Timely updates and interesting insight on patent, trademark, and copyright law.
Municipal Law
Municipal Law Newsletter
Bi-monthly publication covering legal developments affecting municipalities and local governments.
School Law FYI
Monthly publication addressing recent legal developments in school law.
The Reading Room
Articles addressing specific issues relevant to many different areas of law.
The Latest
Wisconsin Annual Report Filing Reminder for Corporations and LLCs
Business Minute | 03.19.25
Annual reports for most Wisconsin corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) are to be filed by the last day of the quarter in which their articles of creation originally were filed with Wisconsin.