January/February 2024 Issue
Eric B. Hagen, Richard Heinemann | 02.09.24
Articles in this issue
On Tap – Changes to Wis. Stat. Ch. 125 (Alcohol Beverage) Under 2023 Wisconsin Act 73
Eric B. Hagen
2023 Wisconsin Act 73 ushers in significant changes to the regulation of alcohol beverages. While the Act addresses many facets of Wisconsin’s Alcohol Beverages Law,…EV Charging Bill Would Restrict Local Governments From Owning and Operating Charging Stations
Richard Heinemann
A bipartisan bill designed to unlock 78 million dollars in federal funds to support EV charging infrastructure has passed the Budget Committee unanimously. To obtain…Julia K. Potter Named Partner
We are proud to announce that Attorney Julia K. Potter has been named partner. Julia, who has been with the firm for eight years, works…
Municipal Airports Must Comply With New Law Requiring Improvements Owned by Private Citizens on Tax Exempt Land
Many municipalities across the State of Wisconsin own municipal airports. Municipal airports can provide many benefits to a municipality and its residents, including creating jobs,…
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