Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Grant Application Period Now Open
Jeff Storch 02.08.19
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has issued a release seeking farmers and businesses involved in Wisconsin’s food industry to apply for 2019 Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin producer and processor grants. Qualified applicants include individuals, groups, or businesses involved in Wisconsin production agriculture, food processing, food distribution, food warehousing, retail food establishments, or agricultural tourism operations.
DATCP indicates that the grants can help recipients more efficiently produce, process, market, and distribute food in local markets, including stores, schools, and institutions. The maximum award for each project is $50,000.
The application deadline is noon, March 20, 2019, and the target date for grant award notification is April 2019. Each proposal must include a cover page, a completed budget template and project description. Additional information and necessary documents are available online at .
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