Dane County Order Limiting Gatherings, Bar and Restaurant Activity Effective July 2, 2020
Jeff Storch 07.01.20
Effective at 8:00am on July 2, 2020, Public Health Madison & Dane County is issuing order #7, which limits gatherings and prohibits indoor dining and service at bars, because the contact tracing team has found that gatherings and visits to bars and restaurants continue to be implicated in interviews with cases.
These are some of the items that have changed with this order related to gatherings, bars, and restaurants (see the order for all requirements):
- All indoor gatherings are permitted with 10 individuals or fewer not including employees. Individuals must maintain physical distancing. (Section 2.a.)
- All outdoor gatherings are permitted with 25 individuals or fewer not including employees. Individuals must maintain physical distancing. (Section 2.b.)
- At restaurants (defined in order), indoor dining capacity reduced to 25% of approved seating capacity levels. (Section 5.b)
- Bars (defined in order) may provide takeout (no indoor dining). (Section 5.b)
- Bars and restaurants are permitted to provide outdoor seating, with physical distancing. (Section 5.b)
The order also includes clarification regarding group fitness class size and updated requirements for summer school classroom size. It further requires all workplaces to post a Public Health Madison & Dane County workplace requirements fact sheet in a space easily accessible to employees describing the requirements of both the employers and employees to reduce the risk of transmission in the workplace.
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