Wisconsin Annual Report Filing Reminder for Corporations and LLCs
LuAnn Peterson, SBWCP , Jeff Storch | 03.19.25
Annual reports for most Wisconsin corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) are to be filed by the last day of the quarter in which their articles of creation originally were filed with Wisconsin, as follows:
Incorporation/Organization Date |
Annual Report Due Date |
January 1 — March 31 | March 31 |
April 1 — June 30 | June 30 |
July 1 — September 30 | September 30 |
October 1 — December 31 | December 31 |
However, the annual reports for foreign entities (those created in another state and then registered in Wisconsin) generally are due in the first quarter each year to be filed by March 31, regardless of when they first registered in Wisconsin.
Charitable organizations have an additional financial report requirement which must be filed within 12 months after its fiscal year end. More information on filing for charitable organizations can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions website.
WDFI is now sending the notices by email to the registered agent email address on file. It is important that you keep your registered agent email address up to date. Changing registered agent information can be done on the annual report filing or by filing a Statement of Change, Form 13.
If you didn’t receive a notice, you may want to check your spam filter. However, you don’t need the notice to file your annual reports. You can file the report online by following the instructions on the notice or by visiting the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions website. If you try to file, but the filing system does not let you proceed, it may be that:
- your annual report is not yet due.
- your report must be filed by paper. For entities other than LLCs or corporations, WDFI mails or emails the required form to the registered agent. If you have not received the form, you can call WDFI at 608−261−7577 to obtain the required annual report form and information on fees.
If you do not timely file the annual report, WDFI will change the entity to “delinquent” status and eventually will administratively dissolve it. This could result in personal liability for any acts taken by or on behalf of the entity after dissolution. Once administratively dissolved, you may be able to bring it back to active status, but the costs may be higher.
If you have an entity that must file this quarter and want our help, please contact your regular Boardman Clark attorney or any member of our Business Practice Group.
This article is updated quarterly to coincide with quarterly filing deadlines.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for general informational purposes only. This post is not updated to account for changes in the law and should not be considered tax or legal advice. This article is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. You should consult with legal and/or financial advisors for legal and tax advice tailored to your specific circumstances.