Immigration Law Enforcement Action Resources
For Employers
ICE, Worksite EnforcementWhen a Government Agent Arrives at Your Door: Preparing For and Responding to Three Types of Immigration Actions
This article describes three different types of government visits (ICE Raids, I‑9 Investigations, and USCIS Site Visits), and provides general guidance on preparing for and responding to each type.
Worksite EnforcementPreparing the Workplace for Increased Enforcement Actions
Employers can prepare for increased enforcement activity by proactively reviewing existing documentation, ensuring proper hiring procedures, and remaining nimble in anticipation of new policies.
ICE, For SchoolsPreparing for Potential ICE at School
The U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment, along with the landmark Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe, establishes that children have a right to a public education - regardless of immigration status. This right provides a strong legal foundation for how Wisconsin schools should prepare for potential immigration enforcement activities
ICE, Worksite EnforcementAILA "Know Your Rights" Handouts
Helpful resources from the American Immigration Lawyers Association: Know your rights if ICE visits a home, employer, or public space.
ICE, Worksite EnforcementFlyer: ICE Worksite Raid - Employer Rights & Responsibilities
When it comes to an immigration worksite raid preparation is critical. This flyer provides some important information to assist in your preparation.