Also in this issue: New Law Governs Police Officer Hiring and Record Retention | Financing Opportunities for Local Governments under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act | Milwaukee Wins Tax Exemption Challenge When Plaintiff Files Claim Too Soon
Anita Gallucci Wins Distinguished “Friend of Public Power Award”
Richard Heinemann 12.07.21
Anita Gallucci, my friend and colleague at Boardman Clark, has been a trusted advisor of municipal utilities for nearly 35 years. Over that time, she has built on the legacy of other notable Boardman public power attorneys such as Dick Olson, Roy Thilly, Mike Stuart, and Mike May, to become Wisconsin’s foremost expert on such key areas as municipal telecommunications, right of way, and territorial issues. At this year’s Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin (MEUW) annual conference, her career achievements were warmly recognized when she was granted MEUW’s “Friend of Public Power” award.
Anita’s practice encompasses a wide range of areas in general municipal and public utility law. But as a recent MEUW profile recounted, Anita is best known for a number of notable cases that affirmed the right of municipal utilities to provide telecommunications services; established the right of municipal utilities to serve their own facilities in neighboring utility territory; affirmed the right of municipalities to charge reasonable pole attachment fees outside the framework of FCC rules; and established that utilities, not municipalities, are responsible for the cost of relocating utility poles.
In his remarks presenting the award to Anita, Tim Heinrich, MEUW’s Executive Director, spoke admiringly about his first impressions of Anita shortly after he took on his position in 2017, observing that he quickly saw Anita as someone deeply committed to MEUW and its members. That commitment and passion have held true throughout her career. As Anita herself has said, “I love what I do and the clients I work for — I really believe in public power as the embodiment of local control and have been proud to help municipal utilities succeed in whatever ways I can.”
Going forward, in addition to having a little more time for her family, her dogs, her photography, and her new camper, she plans to enjoy her of counsel status at Boardman by continuing to advise her municipal clients — and by making sure a new generation of Boardman Clark attorneys is well positioned to carry on the Firm’s public power legacy.
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