Also in this issue: New Laws Modify Requirements for Publishing Legal Notices | Discovery Law Changes: What You Need To Know | PSCW Sets New Focus on Energy Funding Parameters
OEI Launches Energy Innovation Grant Program
Richard Heinemann | 05.28.18
Following up on an item from the March/April MLN, the Office of Energy Innovation has launched its inaugural $5 million Energy Innovation Grant program. Authorized by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (“PSCW”) last month, the program makes funding available to Wisconsin cities, villages, towns, counties, tribal governments and K‑12 school districts to support energy efficiency initiatives, renewable energy projects, comprehensive energy planning, transportation technologies and energy system resiliency measures. Funding proposals must be uploaded to the PSCW electronic records filing (ERF) system by June 29, 2018 at 12:00 PM.
Information on Energy Innovation Grant RFP process and Application materials may be found on the PSCW website:… — Richard A. Heinemann
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