Boardman Clark Maintains Long-Standing Commitment to School Law
Douglas E. Witte , Rick Verstegen , William L. Fahey , Frank C. Sutherland , Jennifer S. Mirus , David P. Weller , Rhonda R. Hazen | 04.30.15
Boardman Clark Maintains Long-Standing Commitment to School Law
Amidst an era of change in Wisconsin in funding for education, school accountability, and the regulation of labor, the School Law Practice Group at Boardman Clark remains a steady and reliable legal source for school law clients. For over fifty-five years, our school law attorneys have served as general and special counsel to more than ninety school districts, CESAs, charter schools, and technical colleges throughout Wisconsin. The School Law Practice Group consists of fifteen attorneys and one paralegal. Eleven attorneys have over ten years of experience working in school law, with six having over twenty‑five years of experience.
Our team is fortunate to serve as counsel to all of our clients and is honored to have been recognized throughout the years for our commitment to service. Mike Julka, Jim Ruhly, and David Rohrer have been awarded with the Wisconsin School Attorney Association’s George Tipler Award for distinguished service in school law. Mike Julka, Jim Ruhly, David Rohrer, JoAnn Hart, Doug Witte, and Rick Verstegen have all been elected to the WSAA Board of Directors. Steve Zach has served on the Oregon School Board for 16 years and will continue to another three-year term.
Recent Recognition
Consistent with these past accomplishments, our firm and individual members of our team continue today to be recognized with awards that reflect our collective commitment to school law.
WASB Business Honor Roll
In January 2015, Boardman Clark was added to the Wisconsin Association of School Boards’ Business Honor Roll on a nomination from the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District. This honor reflects our commitment to our client school districts and our support of their community initiatives. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District in this respect.
WASDA Outstanding Educator
Also this year, Mike Julka will be the recipient of the 2015 WASDA Outstanding Educator Award. This award is given annually to individuals who have made recognizable outstanding contributions in the field of education. Mike has 39 years of experience in school and labor/employment law and is recognized throughout the state for his school law experience.
COSA Board of Directors
Mike has also received national recognition for his commitment to school law, most recently through his election to the Board of Directors for the National School Boards Association’s Council of School Attorneys where he will serve a two-year term. Mike will follow Attorney James Clark who established the firm’s school law practice and who also served on the COSA Board.
Upcoming Events
The members of Boardman Clark’s School Law Practice Group continue in the tradition of providing outstanding service to our school clients. Our attorneys specialize in specific areas of school law to assure that our clients are afforded efficient and cost-effective services. With a niche-focused practice, our attorneys stay current on school law issues so they can provide immediate and insightful solutions to problems faced by our clients. To benefit from our expertise, clients can hear our attorneys present at numerous events throughout the year. Upcoming events are listed below.
May 7, 2015: JoAnn Hart and Tess O’Brien-Heinzen will be presenting at the WCASS Spring Conference on “Accommodating Students With Concussions” (JoAnn Hart) and “Best Practices in the Nuts and Bolts of Disciplining Students with Disabilities” (Tess O’Brien-Heinzen).
- May 12, 2015: Rick Verstegen will be presenting at the NBI Seminar on “Lawfully Managing Student Records without Violating Privacy Rights.”
- May 6, 2015: Mike Julka will be presenting at the WASDA New Superintendents Workshop on “Important Legal Issues Impacting new Superintendents.”
- May 15, 2015: Rick Verstegen, Mike Julka and Frank Sutherland will be presenting at the WASBO Spring Conference on “FLSA Compliance” (Rick Verstegen), “The Do’s and Don’ts of the Hiring Process, Including Pre-Employment Drug Testing, Background Checks, and Reference Checks” (Mike Julka), and “Negotiating Transportation Contracts” (Frank Sutherland).
- June 4 and 5, 2015: Mike Julka will be presenting at the WICPA School District Audit Conference on “Legal Update: The Issues Applicable to School Districts.”
- June 17, 2015: Tess O’Brien-Heinzen will be presenting a DKG webinar: “Understanding the Latest Guidance from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.”
- July 29, 2015: JoAnn Hart and Tess O’Brien-Heinzen will be part of a panel presenting at the NBI Webcast, “Disciplining Students with Behavioral Issues.”
Board and Board Member Training:
The School Law Practice Group is currently scheduled to meet with several school boards across the state for training designed to assist board members in understanding their roles, responsibilities, and duties as school board members. The training also addresses “Boardmanship” principles designed to make boards most efficient and effective. This training is particularly relevant as boards welcome new members and board dynamics change. If your board is interested in meeting with one of our attorneys on this or any other topic, please contact us.
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