Boardman Clark Earns Certification in the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council’s Green Masters Program

Boardman Clark is proud to announce that it has achieved certification in the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council’s Green Masters program.  The Green Masters certification recognizes businesses for outstanding dedication to integrating principals of sustainability into their operations while pursuing business excellence. 

The Green Masters Program is a sustainability recognition program developed by the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council for businesses interested in sustainability credentials. The objective of the Green Masters Program is to get businesses in Wisconsin started on the journey toward sustainability, and to encourage, recognize, and reward sustainability progress. The program is based on system that rewards points in a variety of sustainable areas including Energy, Climate, Water, Waste Management, Transportation, Supply Cain, Workforce, Governance, and Community and Educational Outreach.  Boardman Clark distinguished itself with particularly high scores in Waste Management and Governance.


The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council is a network of Wisconsin businesses and organizations that are interested in, or actively responding to, the challenge of sustainability. Many businesses find themselves challenged by stakeholders to describe what they are doing in this field. The council is designed to bring businesses together and provide resources to help businesses on their path toward being more sustainable.

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Employment Law Update | 03.05.25

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